Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Glory of Ressurection

Main Text: Matthew 12:38-42

Why Jesus really special? Is it because of his ministry in this world? or because of his love for this world? What made him so special

If we talk about good people who live and serve other, Jesus is definitely not the ONLY one one who has done charities work.
People like Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, has done so many good things for others as well. Even Rihanna and Katy Perry too

Celebrities like Michael Jackson has more charities than Jesus can ever have while Bill Gates donates more money than Jesus to help others.

It seems that Charity and Service is one of the MOST influential aspect that made Jesus more than any other, but there is one thing that made him absolutely special.

Matthew 12:38 Gives one small hint into that ONE thing that made Jesus absolutely special.

The Pharisees asked Jesus for a what so called as sign of his claim as the Son of God. Now interestingly, Jesus has performed at least 9 recorded miracles as he come into this moment of conversation with them. Jesus has performed healing, long distance healing, exorcism, and even resurrecting a person from death! However the Pharisees still could not be convinced that Jesus is the true messiah.

Being tired of their stubbornness, Jesus then said to them "but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah" and referred to the time when Jesus will die and resurrect on the third day.

Yes resurrect and bring the true message of restoration to all people.

Restoration is God's big plan. While He does help us today by patching up our request for quick fix here and there throughout our life, God's bigger concern was to remove the true source of all problem. Sin

All the charities that has been done today, is God's small patch for human suffering, however He also looking forward for the permanent of restoration of this whole world and that started when the Son finally conquers Sin through his Resurrection.

It is important to notice as well, that both example (Nineveh and Queen of the South) was a foreigner, or in our term today non-christian, unbeliever, or whatever we like to label those who are not having the same faith like Christian. A word of warning there, especially from the context of the conversation. The Pharisees have seen and heard, 9 different miracles but it doesnt change their perspective over Jesus. Often time, Christian can be so fascinated with their own jargon and term, they did not see the true sign of all - The Resurrected Savior of all.

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