Monday, March 28, 2011

Psalm 130:5

Search and Select Verse of the Day:

Psalm 130:5

Watch the Context:

The Prayer leads to two major item: Forgiveness and Hope in the LORD

Observe the Word:

Wait and In your Word

This is my personal struggle. To wait. I am a very impatient person and the word wait seems to be something that does not come naturally. However, our God is a God who often ask people to wait. Waiting is a great theme of the Bible. Abraham has to wait for the son, Moses has to wait for 40 years in training, David has to wait for another 12 years, Elijah has to wait for 7 prayer, waiting is indeed how God works. - Therefore, i have to practice the element of Patience

Develop a new walk with God:
Practice the power of Patience in God


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