Sunday, July 13, 2008

It is what hidden that counts!

Main Text: Matt 6: 1 -18

This is one of those text that has been read many times. I remember the first time i read and absolutely it was long long time ago!
However, as i look upon the text, today i found something interesting that i didnt notice before. The sentence:
"Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you."

This sentence was repeated three times: vs.4, vs6, 18 and three of them related to Religious Discipline.

We are living in the world where all need to be proven, even in Religion. You must prove that you are true Adventist by living to the life that people THINK right.
But Jesus seems to have a different approach, it is what others dont see that counts.
Why is that so? Because those action is lack on affirmation, ego booster, praise, and confirmation. To simplified it, God really counts motives rather than result. Things can be good outside but it is what motives that drives that action that counts.
Having said that, the lesson that we can learn here is that for each action that we do we should look deeper to its motives. When we do something to God too, what is our motives?

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