Thursday, September 29, 2011

What God Hates

Proverbs 12:2-3

There is one thing that strikes me immediately when i read these 2 verses. It is the word wicked. The verse came from the word myzzimot in Hebrew that means evil plot.

This word has a personal meaning for myself since it is something that is very real in my personal life. I have seen, experienced, even become a victim of people "wicked plan" and it is not a pleasant experience.

However this verse gave me that encouragement that Number One; God despises them and number two: they dont last. Even though i still have to see the fulfillment of that promises in the real world, i do believe God is real. Therefore His promises is real.

However it is a personal reminder for myself that God hates those who planned something evil against their fellow men. It is something that i should dare to take a stand. Planning something bad against someone else is as bad as despising God.

On the more positive side though, God honors and bless those who are standing for the right. Proverbs says: "they receive a favor from God" that is something very encouraging. I might not be perfect (and i will never be) but one thing i know He is pleased with me when i "choose" to do good.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Proverbs 12:1

Corrections is something that not easy to swallow for a person like me. Not only that it affects my ego, its also embarassing. However this Proverbs reminds me again that those who loves instruction loves knowledge. Simply means those who is able to learn from their mistake considered wise.

Making mistake is not something that noone is immune to but not all are able to correct themselves on their own. Sometimes we need someone's help to open up our eyes to see what is the mistake we did. Those who refuse to open up is considered stupid by the Proverbs.

So this is something new for me, but on the same time very meaningful. I will try my best to allow God to reminds me both directly or through someone that He sends me.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1,Singapore,Singapore

Monday, September 26, 2011

Psalm 22

This is the Psalm that Jesus was quoting when He is hanged on the Cross between Heaven and Earth. As i read the psalm, the expression was dark, bitter, and desperate. The writer indeed feel the loss of the presence of God. It seems that God did not hear the prayer, and the writer was left with doubt and fear.

I reminds me immediately with the story of Mother Teresa after her death. Some of the secret letter of her was found and it shows a different perspective of this wonderful lady. One of the excerpt of that letter express her feeling of emptiness despite surrounded by what she loves the most; Serving Jesus. This is what she said:

"Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear."
— Mother Teresa to the Rev. Michael Van Der Peet, September 1979

Even her who always perceived as one the greatest spiritual leader of the 20th centuries do feel the emptiness of God in her life.

However, Psalm 22 do not leave the reader empty all the time. At the end of the chapter the writer know that despite all things their hope still lied on the LORD their God. And that give us that spark of Hope, and to know that Hope is indeed a good thing.

Hope is a good thing............

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Proverbs 11:4-7

Paraphrase and Principle:
When i read the verses immediately one word seems to appear again and again. That word is Righteousness. In all verses that i read, this word "righteousness" seems to be the main theme of these verses. Righteousness is described as:

1. Better than Wealth (verse 4)
2. Guidance (Verse 5)
3. Deliverance (Verse 6)

Now all the descriptions above point out to the fact that righteousness is indeed a good thing. But rather than only focus on the beneficial part of it, i want to observe what is the relational beauty of righteousness when it reflected to my personal relationship with God. When we decide to do what is right in the sight of God, it shows our interest, priorities, and also our allegiance. It is the heart of the word of Jesus "Seek ye first the kingdom of God AND its RIGHTEOUSNESS" That there are certain characteristic of God that must be follow in order for us to be part of the Kingdom. There are few National Characteristic of the Kingdom that is separating them from the rest of the other "kingdom" You cannot hold the passport of the Kingdom while act and belief on other Nation.

In making any decision today, i need to put extra consideration in asking the Question "is this righteous?" in the eyes of God?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Proverbs 11:1-3

Paraphrase and Principle:

There are three main principle in this part of Proverbs that i can draw for my personal devotion this morning. These principles are indeed crucial and important for my personal spiritual journey.

The three principles that i can learn from this passage are:

Proverbs 11:1 - Honesty
The passage deals with honesty in doing business, but the principle does not change. It deals with honesty in all side of life. I am in need to present the situation and condition just the way it is. This is something that i should remind myself again and again.

Proverbs 11:2 - Humility
This is the verse that strike me the most when i did the reading. Humility brings wisdom. How can it bring wisdom? One thing i learn, those who are humble often are teachable. When someone is teachable, it allows that person to absorb more learning and knowledge but also understanding of life. It works both in worldly knowledge, but more importantly in heavenly understanding. Only when i am humble enough to admit that "i dont know" that is the time that the Holy Spirit can work in me. There is a saying in my language that sounds like this: "its like rice, the more grains it have the lower it become"

Proverbs 11:3 - Integrity
Integrity is the ability to stay true to oneself belief despite circumstances and challenges. This fact is something that i still have a long way to go. Not so much in the sense of moral integrity but rather in personal emotional stability. Sometimes i perceive myself as a person who is able to say yes to all things because i am flexible sometimes probably too flexible. I should take more time to be able to say no,and to express my personal thought despite rejection and disagreement. Disagreement is indeed natural and i shouldnt avoid it all time at all cost.

I will say more No to request that i have to do when its affect my priorities this week.