Saturday, September 24, 2011

Proverbs 11:1-3

Paraphrase and Principle:

There are three main principle in this part of Proverbs that i can draw for my personal devotion this morning. These principles are indeed crucial and important for my personal spiritual journey.

The three principles that i can learn from this passage are:

Proverbs 11:1 - Honesty
The passage deals with honesty in doing business, but the principle does not change. It deals with honesty in all side of life. I am in need to present the situation and condition just the way it is. This is something that i should remind myself again and again.

Proverbs 11:2 - Humility
This is the verse that strike me the most when i did the reading. Humility brings wisdom. How can it bring wisdom? One thing i learn, those who are humble often are teachable. When someone is teachable, it allows that person to absorb more learning and knowledge but also understanding of life. It works both in worldly knowledge, but more importantly in heavenly understanding. Only when i am humble enough to admit that "i dont know" that is the time that the Holy Spirit can work in me. There is a saying in my language that sounds like this: "its like rice, the more grains it have the lower it become"

Proverbs 11:3 - Integrity
Integrity is the ability to stay true to oneself belief despite circumstances and challenges. This fact is something that i still have a long way to go. Not so much in the sense of moral integrity but rather in personal emotional stability. Sometimes i perceive myself as a person who is able to say yes to all things because i am flexible sometimes probably too flexible. I should take more time to be able to say no,and to express my personal thought despite rejection and disagreement. Disagreement is indeed natural and i shouldnt avoid it all time at all cost.

I will say more No to request that i have to do when its affect my priorities this week.

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