Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exodus 15:2

Search and Select the Word:
Exodus 15:2

Watch the Context:
The verse is part of Moses and Miriam's Song after the Red Sea Miracle

Observe the Word:
Strength,Defense,Salvation - Offensive, Defensive, Redemptive

Reflect the Message:
1. God will give us strength to do
2. God will defend us to hide
3. God will save us when we fall

Develop the Message:

I have to surrender, to the LORD and God in all situation of my life. Taking His word as a promise and live in faith in Him.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1 Chronicles 16:34

Search and Select the text
1 Chronicles 16:34

Watch the context
The passage is part of Asaph's song in his part of worship as the ark was brought back to Jerusalem

Observe the word:
Give thanks - feeling of happiness and thanksgiving

Reflect the message:
Giving thanks is acknowledge him as a great God and a wonderful savior it is admitting the fact that He does something for me. The word everlasting give that sense of assurance that His love will not last just for today but with us through times and times.

Develop a new walk with God:
Keyword: Thanksgiving
Give thanks to the LORD for the goodness that He has provided to us

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Psalm 9:9

Search and Select the Verse

Psalm 9:9

Watch the Context

It is part of Songs called The Death Son

Observe the Word:

Refuge, and Stronghold for the Oppressed

Reflect the Message:
God is indeed the stronghold and protector for those who are in trouble. We can find refuge on Him and in Him

Develop a new walk in Faith:
Keyword: REFUGE

God is my refuge, a place where i can find my rescue and help, in all time and situation. Lead me LORD to hide on you and allow me to find a place to lay my burden.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Psalm 130:5

Search and Select Verse of the Day:

Psalm 130:5

Watch the Context:

The Prayer leads to two major item: Forgiveness and Hope in the LORD

Observe the Word:

Wait and In your Word

This is my personal struggle. To wait. I am a very impatient person and the word wait seems to be something that does not come naturally. However, our God is a God who often ask people to wait. Waiting is a great theme of the Bible. Abraham has to wait for the son, Moses has to wait for 40 years in training, David has to wait for another 12 years, Elijah has to wait for 7 prayer, waiting is indeed how God works. - Therefore, i have to practice the element of Patience

Develop a new walk with God:
Practice the power of Patience in God


Sunday, March 27, 2011

1 Timothy 1:5 - The Aim of the True Gospel

Select the Verse:
1 Timothy 1:5

Watch the Context:
Paul is talking about the meaning of the true teaching of the Gospel

Observe the Word:
Aim of Instruction - The Goal for our life

Pure Love comes from the Heart

Good Conscience

Sincere Faith

Reflect the Message:
What is the aim of my ministry? What is the aim of what i am doing in my life? What is the goal?

Develop a New Walk with God:

Lord, Help me to develop these three things, and to help others develop and making it the aim of our ministry.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Isaiah 64:8

Search and Select the Verse
Isaiah 64:8

Watch the Context:
The verse is part of plea of the Writer for God to give His mercy once again to the Israelite.

Observe the Word:
Our Father - Personal Connection

Work of your hand - second personal connection

Reflect the Message:
We are created, molded, shaped, like what God wants us to be. We are His creation, and therefore all things will be under His control. We are just a creation, yet He consider us as His children. Such a great privilege for being His

Develop a new walk with God:
Keyword: SHAPED

We are shaped by God, and therefore it is my prayer that i can allow myself to be SHAPED and molded according to His will


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31

Select the Verse
Isaiah 40:31

Watch the Context:
God gives comfort to His people during the time of trouble and challenge

Observe the Word:
Hope/Wait - Put our trust in the awesome God

Renew -Refreshed and renewed

Not weary and Tired - The strength comes from God

Reflect and Relate on the Message:

There are times when we grow tired, loose our hope and it seems life is not working the way we expect it to happen. However, it is the promise of the LORD that when we put our hope in Him shall not weary. We need to claim what He has given us, the strength and power to wait upon Him and let Him be the one who lead us to His will

Develop a New Walk With God
Keyword: HOPE

Lord, help me to put my hope in you and know that you are God

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2 Corinthians 8:11

Search and Select the Scripture

2 Corinthians 8:11

Watch the Context:

The Context talk about the collection of Offering from the Church of Corinth to help poor people in another place

Observe the Word

Eager Willingness - self motivated

Reflect the Message of the Text

When we have given our willingness for the service of the LORD, He wants us to finish it. In the context of Paul's letter, The church of Corinth wants to help in donating money for the LORD. Often time, we can easily promise/say a lot of things about ministry. But until we prove what we have said is true then it is a true ministry

Develop a new walk in Faith

Keyword: Faithfulness, Completion

By God's grace, i pray that i can be faithful in finishing the work that i have given my word to finish.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Proverbs 13:4

Search and Select the Text

Proverbs 13:4

Watch the Context of the Text

Like most proverbs, this proverbs is an independent saying Solomon

Observe the Word

Sluggard vs Diligent: Contrast

Reflect the Message

God does bless those who are diligent and faithful to the work that has been given to them

Develop a new walk with God

Keyword: Diligent

Be DILIGENT, a simple wisdom from the Bible that carries a lot of meaning


Monday, March 21, 2011

Psalm 143:8

Select and Search the Scripture

Psalm 143:8

Watch the Context:
This is one of David's Song where he is asking God to vindicate and protect him from his enemies

Observe the Word:
Unfailing: Never end, and not disappointing

Reflect on the Message:
God is the source of an unfailing love. He is the only one who can guide us, and provide us with assurance of tomorrow.

Develop a new walk in Christian Faith:

I need to TRUST in the Lord and WALK in Faith despite all the evil and my enemies surround me. He is my source of refuge and strength.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

John 15:7

Search, and Select the Verse

John 15:7

Watch the Context

Jesus is talking about living in Him and what does it mean to remain in him

Observe the Word

Remain - Dwell, staying without being moved

Reflect the Message

If i remain IN Christ, and i put His word in my mind. His will will matched with my will and things that i asked will be according to His will and work together for the Glory of GOD.

Develop a New Walk with God


Invite God to dwell in our heart

Allow God to work in you in his will

Believe that God will fulfill your request, when you dwell in Him


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Roman 4:20

Select the Text
Roman 4:20

Watch the Context
Paul was describing the Faith of Abraham and how he stands for God i all things

Observe the Word
Not Waver - Not shaken
In His Faith - Fully commitment to the belief he has
Glorifying God - Contrast

Reflect into the Message
Abraham's faith was fully rooted in the belief that God do not change His promise. For He has shown Himself as a faithful God. It is in our part that we can put our trust and faith in Him as well.

Develop a New Spiritual Walk with God

Lord, i want to walk in FAITH with You, despite the discouraging circumstances surround me. Yet your power is there to be with me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SWORD for Deuteronomy 17:19

Select the Verse of Today:
Deuteronomy 17:19

Watch the Context:
The verse in part of God's Instruction regarding the Criteria for the Future King of Israel

Observe the Word:
Read - A process of knowing, information gathering
Follow Carefully - Obedience

Reflect the Lesson Taken:
Have i take a special consideration of meditating in the word of God? Have my busy life have taken me from spending enough time with the Word? Have i set aside the love of the word and replace it with my personal entertainment such as Facebook. Youtube, and Games? For if i do, probably i actually did not revere God and revere my personal idol - Disobedience of 10 Commandments.

Develop a new commitment to Lesson:
By your Grace today let me be:

OBEDIENCE to giving my time reflecting and meditating upon the word of God


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hebrew 10:24-25

S - Select the Bible Text of Today

Hebrew 10:24-25

W - Watch the Context of the Text

Paul reminded the Church upon their duties, including supporting one another and meet one another.

O - Observe the Important Word

Spur - Assertive, yet fulfilling

Encourage - To give and affirm with good word for other to move on

R - Reflect the Message for your Personal Growth

The Message tell me That:

1. I have a role in Church by spurring one another to do the good and loving thing

2. I have a role of encouraging one another through meeting

D - Develop a walk in My Spiritual Life

By God's Grace i pray that God will help me to:

1. HAVE the courage to spur

Prayer Journal of Today (16 March 2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phillipians 4:13

S - Select the Verse of the Day

Philippians 4:13

W - Watch The Context of the Text

Paul is describing what is his ministry experience is all about, and where did he find his strength and courage

O - Observe the Significant Word

I can do - Personal conviction, especially related to Philippians 4:12 where he reminds the church of his life and struggle

R - Reflect the Message

In his particular verse that often misquoted, Paul's expression of strength is not that he can achieve anything but rather to be content even when things does not go the way he expect it. The source of strength and the result of strength in Paul's life is not by doing more and more but rather by finding peace, joy and comfort in limited situation and action. Often time especially in this modern world we are forced and deceived to understand the simple fact of life. We often driven to do more and more because our value seems to be judged by that view. That is the reason why many people dont find peace in God without having to DO something. Interesting to know that we didnt hear much from the life of Jesus' Disciple other than folllowing him and learning from the Master. I can do all things in this view must be seen as a way to see what God can do for us, rather than what we can do all the time. We are not the center but He is.

D - Develop the Verse into Something practical

ACCEPT God's empowerment in my limited resources.


Monday, March 7, 2011

John 17:3

S - Select the Text

John 17:3

W - Watch the Context

The verse is part of Jesus' Prayer for His disciple before His crucifixion. It consist of the summary of His ministry and the message of the Gospel.

O - Observe the Important Word

Eternal Life - That it goes beyond living endlessly. Eternal life is the restoration of God's Ideal upon humanity that was lost during the Fall. Eternity was take when Adam and Eve fall.

Know - Knowledge that is not driven by intellectual gain (brain exercise) but by constant relationship. It driven by internal factor rather than external need.

R - Reflect the Message

Do i know God? Do i know Jesus? - The question might sound very philosophical but the answer is not. What drives me actually to know Him? Is it because i need to have some kind of emotional support for things that i am insecure of? Or is it because i am really want to be with God that Created me? When my knowledge of God is driven because of opinion,doing the right thing,impression,how people look then that relationship is only based on external factor. That is not knowing that God wants to have with him. Rather, i know him because it is Life itself. Its the energy that drives all the event and actions of my life.

D - Develop a Spiritual Journey with Him

Lord, i want to know you for you are life itself. Outside of You, there is no life and purpose. Help me to not build my relationship with you because of external factor, or just because i want to fill in my emotional insecurities.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hebrews 10:24-25

S - Select the Verse of the Day

Hebrews 10:24-25

W - Watch the Context

The verse is part of Paul's message regarding living up the faith that has been given by God to us

O - Observe the Word

Spur - giving an encouraging comment

Meeting Together - Fellowship

R - Reflect the Message

It is God's desire for His people to be together in a fellowship of believers. By spur one another, and meeting together God's people will be encouraged and that is how a person actually practicing their faith. Faith can grow by nurturing each other through meeting and encouraging one another.

D - Develop the Message into Practical Lesson

By the grace of God i shall:

ENCOURAGE my fellow believers

MEET them in regular basis to strengthen each other spiritual life as well as emotional and social life too


Thursday, March 3, 2011

SWORD for Proverbs 3:5,6

S - Select the Verse

Proverbs 3:5-6

W - Watch the Context of the Text

Like many Solomon's Proverbs, this particular verse is part of his saying regarding the wisdom and path of searching for God

O - Observe the Word

Trust - come from the from the Hebrew word bytakh that literally means "leaning on support". The word often used to express false trust on items, or power but in this particular verse it was used for the opposite function - trusting the reliable source (God)

Heart - Heart is the full expression of the center of cognitive and affective part of us, in which means trusting the Lord took all that we have without any doubt.

Acknowledge - derived from the word yada that can be translated into - a full knowledge of God in which our trust and obedience lies.

Path Straight - the word actually means, smoothen or grinding. We can imagine a road that is filled with gravel and rough edges but then smoothen with the machine.

R - Reflect

When we trust the LORD and Acknowledge Him as the guide of our life, He will lead us and our walk of life even when its rough will be smooth for His assurance and guidance are with us. We need to fully comprehend Him even when life is very unpredictable. Allow Him to be God and experience His miracle in life the way we never thought.

D - Develop a New Way of Life

TRUST - I want to Trust God today, completely, knowing He is the true Guide of my life


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 John 1:9

S - Select the Scripture

1 John 1:9

W - Watch the Context:

John talks about the true practice of Christianity - to walk in the light, while acknowledging that our salvation does not lies on our own good work but rather a submission to the grace of God each and every day.

O - Observe the Word:

Confess - agreed to open, publicly announced

Purify - Cleansing process that must happen to make us pure and unblemished

R - Reflect on the Word:

What God need from His people is confession. Why confess? That in order for us to be able to receive grace, we have to acknowledge that we do need grace. Vulnerability must happen and available for the spirit of God to work in us. God is faithful and just, and willing to make us clean. It is the promise that we have to claim from the word today.

D - Develop the Word into Personal Conviction:

By the Grace of God today, i should:

ACCEPT the fact that i am a weak, fragile, human being prone to make mistake and fall short from the ideal of God. It is completely okay for me to expose my weaknesses and imperfection to God.

ALLOW God to work in me to create a new person to live.

BELIEVE that He is forgiving, and on the same time able to make me pure.
