Monday, October 17, 2011

The Worst Such as I

1 Timothy 1:12-17

In this passage, Paul wrote how sinful and wretched he is. He explained to Timothy that unless its because of Grace, he will not be given a privilege of serving God in ministry. Therefore He felt that God is indeed loving Him with no boundary.

When we looked into the life of Paul, he can be considered as the Greatest Apostle. More than half of the letters/books in NT was written by Paul. He is that great missionaries with vision and endurance greater than many other.

Yet for him, he is the worst of all. He is nothing. He is just a sinner saved by grace.

This came through his personal experience, and know from how far he had come and become. From a persecutor of Christian, to the Apostle of Christian.

We can only understand the beauty of Grace, when we able to realize how sinful we are. We can only know how much we have hurt God, when we know how deep is our mistakes and sins.

Learning from Paul's statement to Timothy, it is a humbling lesson for me. That i am nothing but a sinner saved by Grace.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

If The Bible Doesnt Say It! Then Dont Say It!

1 Timothy 1:3-4

In this short introduction to the letter to Timothy, Paul 1st instruction to Timothy is to remind the Church of Ephesus from teaching the false teaching. This false teachings seems to do with some mythical story of the Old Testament Genealogy. Now the interesting fact is, this seems to be Timothy 1st priority.

As we bring this lesson alive today, what are some false teaching that we might have in our Church? When i read this verse for the first time what came immediately to my mind was "conspiracy theory" especially related to the end time event. As much as we know Satan does get involved in all evil, we shouldnt stick too much on it. Too many people i know were fascinated with it simply because it brings uniqueness, "i know something you dont know" kind of attitude.

Paul clearly stated to Timothy - "stick with the redemptive plan that operates by faith" rather than focusing too much on Conspiracy Stories probably this is the time for me to stick more to Christ, the true Savior. I should take more time in spending time with Him rather than other "myth and genealogies"

Preach more about Him crucified!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Proverbs 12:9

This proverbs help me to see the beauty of simplicity and humility. They say too many people wants to be superhero nowadays. We want to be recognized and popular. Many people even will do whatever it takes to gain popularity. But often it is not balanced by rich inner self. They look rich outside, but empty inside. They live a glamorous life out of debt and suffer later.

This proverbs allow me to see that i dont need those popularity. Recognition and adoration is just a shadow and has no meaning at all. What is needed is our real self deep within that need God all the time. God is the one whom we should recognize and adore. Therefore the question for us will be, are we able to move the limelight from us to other people and to God?

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Location:Jalan Tambur,,Singapore

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Politics and Its Implication

Proverbs 12:5-7

2 of the main verses of this passage deals with the reality of the world. People of today is as open as they are in backstabbing and deceiving each others. Both of these verses deals with that simple reality in their render for describing "wicked" people.

The reality of life is that simple, people will always prioritize things that benefit them first before others. Its just our nature, it is in our blood. But the saddest part is when we Christian, who proclaim believing in the Word yet act not as the Word had spoken to us.

Those who do not believe in the Bible might have the excuses to do what they do but us? We do not have that privilege and excuses. We are meant to live up the Word in all ways including this verses.

So the question for us; Are we wicked? We can start to examine that from the word that come from our mouth. Is it full of deceit? Is it waiting to shed innocent blood (in all ways and not literally)? When our word, our plan is to deceive and to trick others then we should re-examine ourselves as a Christian. For if we still consider ourselves Christian, we are a 'wicked Christian'.

The promises of God in this Proverbs is clear, for those who continue to be deceitful will indeed be perished. But those who are faithful will find eternity.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crown of A Lifetime

Proverbs 12:4

This is one of my favorite verse in the bible =) not only because i am married =) but rather because the Bible do cares about the character of a person. (in this particular case woman) However contrary to the modern perspective of a woman, the Bible value woman from a different perspective.

If you ever notice how woman portrayed in the media today, it takes just a common sense to see how woman is being devalued from a person into an object. Almost (if not all) all media portray that the value of woman is defined by her body and/or her sexual attractiveness.

Woman is often described as beautiful if they have: long legs, super white skins, extra slim body, big boobs, and interestingly they are also measured through their willingness to show all of those "qualities" as much as possible. The more woman able to bare their skin the more attractive she will be.

There is almost no emphasis at all, on the quality of her character, left alone her noble character just like the way Proverbs has describe it.

However, this verse is not complete unless we deals with the word crown in this verse as well. Not all people are eligible to wear a crown today. How much more in the past. Crown often symbolizes the unique position of a person in the society. Only people with distinctive quality are eligible to wear a crown. They must be coming from either the Priesthood line, or Royal line. Therefore, noble woman is described as not only precious, but honorable. They are full of praise and adoration.

This verse is a good reminder for us on what God actually sees from a woman. But for us men, probably we should start to think differently about the quality of woman that we want to have as a life partner. Lets consider the biblical point of view rather than only focusing on the way the world sees woman.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What God Hates

Proverbs 12:2-3

There is one thing that strikes me immediately when i read these 2 verses. It is the word wicked. The verse came from the word myzzimot in Hebrew that means evil plot.

This word has a personal meaning for myself since it is something that is very real in my personal life. I have seen, experienced, even become a victim of people "wicked plan" and it is not a pleasant experience.

However this verse gave me that encouragement that Number One; God despises them and number two: they dont last. Even though i still have to see the fulfillment of that promises in the real world, i do believe God is real. Therefore His promises is real.

However it is a personal reminder for myself that God hates those who planned something evil against their fellow men. It is something that i should dare to take a stand. Planning something bad against someone else is as bad as despising God.

On the more positive side though, God honors and bless those who are standing for the right. Proverbs says: "they receive a favor from God" that is something very encouraging. I might not be perfect (and i will never be) but one thing i know He is pleased with me when i "choose" to do good.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Proverbs 12:1

Corrections is something that not easy to swallow for a person like me. Not only that it affects my ego, its also embarassing. However this Proverbs reminds me again that those who loves instruction loves knowledge. Simply means those who is able to learn from their mistake considered wise.

Making mistake is not something that noone is immune to but not all are able to correct themselves on their own. Sometimes we need someone's help to open up our eyes to see what is the mistake we did. Those who refuse to open up is considered stupid by the Proverbs.

So this is something new for me, but on the same time very meaningful. I will try my best to allow God to reminds me both directly or through someone that He sends me.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1,Singapore,Singapore

Monday, September 26, 2011

Psalm 22

This is the Psalm that Jesus was quoting when He is hanged on the Cross between Heaven and Earth. As i read the psalm, the expression was dark, bitter, and desperate. The writer indeed feel the loss of the presence of God. It seems that God did not hear the prayer, and the writer was left with doubt and fear.

I reminds me immediately with the story of Mother Teresa after her death. Some of the secret letter of her was found and it shows a different perspective of this wonderful lady. One of the excerpt of that letter express her feeling of emptiness despite surrounded by what she loves the most; Serving Jesus. This is what she said:

"Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear."
— Mother Teresa to the Rev. Michael Van Der Peet, September 1979

Even her who always perceived as one the greatest spiritual leader of the 20th centuries do feel the emptiness of God in her life.

However, Psalm 22 do not leave the reader empty all the time. At the end of the chapter the writer know that despite all things their hope still lied on the LORD their God. And that give us that spark of Hope, and to know that Hope is indeed a good thing.

Hope is a good thing............

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Proverbs 11:4-7

Paraphrase and Principle:
When i read the verses immediately one word seems to appear again and again. That word is Righteousness. In all verses that i read, this word "righteousness" seems to be the main theme of these verses. Righteousness is described as:

1. Better than Wealth (verse 4)
2. Guidance (Verse 5)
3. Deliverance (Verse 6)

Now all the descriptions above point out to the fact that righteousness is indeed a good thing. But rather than only focus on the beneficial part of it, i want to observe what is the relational beauty of righteousness when it reflected to my personal relationship with God. When we decide to do what is right in the sight of God, it shows our interest, priorities, and also our allegiance. It is the heart of the word of Jesus "Seek ye first the kingdom of God AND its RIGHTEOUSNESS" That there are certain characteristic of God that must be follow in order for us to be part of the Kingdom. There are few National Characteristic of the Kingdom that is separating them from the rest of the other "kingdom" You cannot hold the passport of the Kingdom while act and belief on other Nation.

In making any decision today, i need to put extra consideration in asking the Question "is this righteous?" in the eyes of God?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Proverbs 11:1-3

Paraphrase and Principle:

There are three main principle in this part of Proverbs that i can draw for my personal devotion this morning. These principles are indeed crucial and important for my personal spiritual journey.

The three principles that i can learn from this passage are:

Proverbs 11:1 - Honesty
The passage deals with honesty in doing business, but the principle does not change. It deals with honesty in all side of life. I am in need to present the situation and condition just the way it is. This is something that i should remind myself again and again.

Proverbs 11:2 - Humility
This is the verse that strike me the most when i did the reading. Humility brings wisdom. How can it bring wisdom? One thing i learn, those who are humble often are teachable. When someone is teachable, it allows that person to absorb more learning and knowledge but also understanding of life. It works both in worldly knowledge, but more importantly in heavenly understanding. Only when i am humble enough to admit that "i dont know" that is the time that the Holy Spirit can work in me. There is a saying in my language that sounds like this: "its like rice, the more grains it have the lower it become"

Proverbs 11:3 - Integrity
Integrity is the ability to stay true to oneself belief despite circumstances and challenges. This fact is something that i still have a long way to go. Not so much in the sense of moral integrity but rather in personal emotional stability. Sometimes i perceive myself as a person who is able to say yes to all things because i am flexible sometimes probably too flexible. I should take more time to be able to say no,and to express my personal thought despite rejection and disagreement. Disagreement is indeed natural and i shouldnt avoid it all time at all cost.

I will say more No to request that i have to do when its affect my priorities this week.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Discipline is Good

Search and Select The Verse:

Proverbs 3:11-12

Watch The Context:

The proverbs is part of Introduction of Proverbs

The verse itself is a chiastic inclusio focus on word discipline and rebuke

Observe The Word:

Discipline - rebuke - warning

Reflect The Message:

God often remind us with discipline just like what earthly father will do to their children. Discipline's intention is never destructive but redemptive. Its to uplift the person and requires a great self control from the person who perform the discipline. At this context, God will rebuke His children for redeeming them.

Develop A New Walk with God:

When i feel that God disciplined me i should asked God and myself what God tries to redeem from me? which character flaw that i am not aware of that God tries to mold?

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1,,Singapore

Friday, July 29, 2011

Goal of Today:

1. Jer 31:3 - Problems: The verse encourage me to see God will still love me despite difficult circumstances i face this week.

2. John 15:5 - goals: i want to dwell in Jesus for helping Chuan Hoe produce their fruit of the Spirit

3. 1 John :9 - Problem - i want to claim God's forgiveness when i fall in temptation daily.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lesson From John

Search and Select The Passage:

John 3:30

Watch The Context:

John's disciples inform him, that Jesus is getting more popular than John. To this John reply that he is not the messiah, and therefore he will live according to the glory given to his portion

Observe the Word:

He must become greater, i must become less

Reflect the Message:

I heard this sermon online and the message was very powerful it become my reflection:

Develop The Message:

God help me to be second, so Christ will always be first. Teach me humility so i can understand the life of Christ.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One Who Saved Me

Search and Select The Passage

Acts 13:36-41

Watch The Context:

The continuation of Paul's sermon regarding the saviour Jesus. The Sermon was preached after synagogue worship in Pisidian Antioch the center of military and civil government of Galatia. The popultion was a mix of jewish immigrant, and gentiles.

Observe The Word:

Experience decay - can be translated as corruption - showing the impact of sin

Justified - come from the greek word "set free"

Reflect The Mesage:

Christ is indeed the saviour-for the early church and for me today. In His love i am freed from the chain of eternal death that suppose to be for me. He died, but he didnt experience decay - the symbol of eternal death. This death wad conquered when he was ressurected and give me the freedom from death. Thank you Lord for that freedom.

Develop a new walk with God:

I am free LORD and i am renewed. Help me to always remember this powerful mesage and live up to he grace i have received.

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Location:Jurong East Street 21,,Singapore

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Center of Our Life

Search and Select The Message:

Acts 13:31-35

Watch The Context:

The passage is part of Paul's message to the church in Antioch

Observe The Word:

Verse 33,35 - both are direct quotation from the Bible and lead the listener to know that Paul's message is biblical

Reflect The Message:

Chirst indeed the fulfulment of the promise of God for redemption. He is indeed the ressurected and not corrupted by sin. He is the true saviour for us.

The message today is a refreshing message regarding Jesus. Often we are carried by other many "message" until we seems to forget that the center of Bible is Jesus and Jesus alone.

Develop A Walk with God:

To make Christ the center of my life.

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Location:Jurong East Street 21,,Singapore

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Miracle Happen For A Reason

Search and Select The Message:

Acts 13:11

Watch The Context:

Paul and Barnabas encountered Bar-Jesus(Elymas) who had persuaded a proconsul in Phapos to not believing Jesus - so the apostles condemn the sorcerer and make him blind.

Observe The Word:

Acts 13:12 - believe after the act of God were shon unto him

Reflect The Message:

God does create miracle. This miracle works for the benefit of Him first, then the recipient later. We have to always remember that this is how God works. Often we want a miracle to please our own desire rather than God's name glorified.

Keyword: Miracle

Develop a New Walk in God:

To pray for miracle in His view not me.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Street 22,,Singapore

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dont Try To Be God

Search and Select The Passage:

Acts 12:22

Watch The Context:

Herod was trying to solve the disagreement with the people in Tyre and Sidon(two major economic cities with port and trade route) and he wants to prove the point that he is the boss. The people of the city went down with fear and this is when they start to flatter him with overpraise him.

Observe The Word:

The voice of god and not a man! - expression of admiration but also driven by flattery

Reflect the Message:

As the result, Herod was struck by the angels for his arrogance. From trying to be god, he was degraded into eaten by worm (an expression of dejection) and moreover, his death was imminent. What a great reminder of living humbly in the presence of the Lord.

Keyword: humility

Develop A New Walk in Grace:

Lord, i want to acknowledge you as God and let The Spirit be my Guide.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2,Singapore,Singapore

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Joy of Miracle

Search and Select The Passage:

Acts 12:11

Watch The Context:
The angels just deliver Peter miraculously from the prison

Observe The Word:
Nom i know - Peter's conviction and expressionof joy for the deliverance.

Reflect The Message:

Miracle does happen, and still happening. However its not formulated in a way that human can predict. Its the authority of God. It is obvious in this stories. God rescue Peter but allowed James to be killed. However, when miracles happened to you we should ba thankful for it.

Develop a New Walk with God:

Lordm thank you for the miracles, help me to be faithful after all that you have done for me.

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Location:Jalan Tan Tock Seng,Singapore,Singapore

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

When God's People Pray

Search And Select the Passage:


Watch the Context:
Paul was imprisoned in the maximum security detention center by the order of Herod. Herod was pleased to see that the Jew are happy with his policies against the Christian. Peter was decided to be executed, just like James. The punishment will be done after the day of Passover. But the Church was continually praying for Peter.

Observe The Word:

Earnestly Praying - Fervent, Earnest, Constant (different translation) but the total meaning is the same.

Reflect The Message:

When we are in crisis, how much time do the church really pray? Often time we are driven to immediately find a solution in our own way. We must think fast, rather than pray earnestly. The Early Church focus their supplication through prayer, they do not let other thing interfere. Prayer is indeed the heart of the people.

Develop the New Walk With God:

I have to spend more time in prayer, or be consistent with the prayer life that i have right now.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The First Community Services

Search And Select The Passage

Acts 11:29

Watch The Context:

Agabus, a prophet predict a famine that will happen in the whole region the community works together for supplying the need of the brethren in Judea

Observe The Words:

In accordance to their strength - giving their best

Reflect The Message:

They help each other because of the sense of unity. The early church sees themselves as the community of believers and not an organized body with systematic hierarchy. Do i see my church as a community?

Develop The New Walk With God:

To build relationship between members as a community in real love and care.


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Location:Ang Mo Kio Street 21,,Singapore

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Unto the Gentiles

Search and Select the Passage:

Acts 11:16-19

Watch the Context:

The story is part of the Peter's defense regarding the conversion of Cornelius, a Gentiles who became a Christian. Peter tried to explain to the Jews believer how God has sent him to bring Cornelius to become part of the Christian movement.

Observe The Word:

after believing - acceptance of the Holy Spirit

Reflect the Message:

When we are accepted into the Church, we were baptized. But according to Peter, only those who are receiving the Holy Spirit are the one really changed and transformed and receiving life (Acts 11:19)

There are many people who are in the Church, but not all are led by the Spirit. It is an ironic reality, but its true. The question i have to asked myself is am i trying to judge those who are not in the church? In this story, the Gentiles were considered not led by the Spirit. But God showed Peter that its not that true. The Gentiles has received the spirit as well, and now unification needed to be done for the Church to grow. It is indicated by the fact, Luke mentioned that the church numbers were added once again after the conversion of Cornelius.

Develop the Walk With God

The greatest need that the Church really need is the Holy Spirit to lead them. But it must start in individual basis, starting from me.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Faithful Outsiders

Select The Passage:

Acts 10:1-2

Watch The Context:

Cornelius is a Member of Italian Cohort - Roman Army with foreign background

Observe The word:

The whole household - expression of influence that Cornelius show in his house

Reflect The Theological Message:

A person, do not necessarily members of a Christian group in order for them to be faithful. Rather it comes back to their personal relationship with God that make us a real Christian

Develop A New Walk with God:

How real does my relationship with God? What influence that i bring to my family? Will my household able to see that i am a believer?

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Location:Pine Grove,,Singapore

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Chosen One

Search and Select The Passage

Acts 9: 15

Watch The Context

The Story Tell about the calling of Saul into becoming apostle Paul

Observe The Word:

I have chosen - God himself who made the call

Reflect The Message:

In this story, Saul was on the way to persecute God's Church and yet God said He has chosen Him to be the messenger to theGentiles. Once again When God has chosen a life journey of a person, no matter how far the person tries to deny God will create a circumstances that will allow that to happen. No matter how far we went, when God called us He will make sure it will happen in His way.

Keyword: Calling

Develop A Walk With God

Lord, help me to follow your calling and to see your will to be done in my life

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Location:Walshe Rd,Singapore,Singapore

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Searching Eunuch

Search and Select The Passage

Acts 8:31

Watch The Context

Phillip was sent by an Angel to minister to the Ethiopian Royal Treasures who was reading a text from Isaiah

Observe The Word:

How can i, New English Translation gives even a stronger expression - where in the world!

Reflect The Message:
There are people out there who are actually searching for answer and biblical truth. God will call us and they come it is our duty to proclaim to them what they want to find.

Keyword: Seeker, Mission, Evangelism

Develop A New Walk With God:
God, if you are going to call me to minister to someone that had been prepared to understand, grant me your Spirit so i will be able to say and do it according to your will LORD.

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Location:Sin Ming Walk,,Singapore

Monday, July 4, 2011

The Story of Simon

Search and Select The Passage

Acts 8: 21

Watch The Context
Acts 8:4-25

The story tell the ministry of Phillip in Samaria, followed by Peter and John and their encounter with Simon

Observe The Word

Right With God -the expression of Peter condemning Simon who wants to pay the apostles to bless Him with the Holy Spirit

Reflect The Message

Power is somwthing that people craves. When we have that power, we consider ourselves superior than the other. people often will do whatever it takes to gain that power. I should be very careful with my motives, and what drives me to do what i do. It is obvious in this story that Simon was a believer. It is just unfotunate that his faith swayed by the ambition to gain power.

Peter reminds Simon, that his heart must be right with God. His motives must be true to his conviction and not only to the power it can bring.

Develop A New Walk in Grace

To always make sure my motives is right, before doing any action

Prayer: LORD, search my heart and lead me to know my real motives in anything i do.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 12,,Singapore

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Same Old Message

Search and Select The Passage:

Acts 7:53

Watch The Context:

This is the final statement of Stephen at the front of the Jewish Council. He was accused of preaching about Jesus who promised he will destroy the temple and breaks the written law of Moses

Stephen defenses was direct and strike the heart of Stephen's accusers. He uses their own arguments: the temple, and Moses, and their ancestry to tell them that they have missed the whole point of the message. He opened their eyes to see that Jesus was the fulfillment of that promises of redemption written through the promises God gave to Abraham and his descendant. Jesus was the whole message. Sthephen point out that despite the fact they "used" Moses as their excuses for accusing him, in Moses own time Moses was rejected by his own people over the matter - the message from God.

Later Stephen continues by saying that the temple were made but God refuse to dwell because His people rebelled against Him.

Observe The Word:

By Angels - special privilege and way to receive the blessing. Yet it was rejected.

Reflect on the Message:
1. Is it possible that i have neglectec the true message of the Gospel when i am so fascinated with the writtene word, with the "law" while neglecting the true heart of God's love? Am i concern too much with what the law say, until i forgot who wrote the law? The Center of My life is indeed Christ and Christ alone.

2. Do i tried to shun some people out not because of what they can teach me,but because my own self pride that refuse to learn from someone else?

3. Will i be able to find that peace and joy in Christ the way Stephen has despite all the wrong accusation and blame that they put on him? Or rather i am afraid to offend people and ending up find guilt and shame in the eyes of God?

Keyword: Gospel, Pride, Courage

Develop A New Walk With God

I need to pray more for the Holy Spirit to change my way of life and thinking to be able to do like what Stephen had showed me.

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1,Singapore,Singapore

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Three Things

Search and Select The Passage

Acts 6:7

Watch The Context

The 12 Disciples along with the Church just elected Deacons to take care the need of the poor and needy.

Observe The Word

Increased Greatly

Reflect The Message:

Reaching this stage of their journey, the early church has grown into a great numbers, however interestingly their growth is driven solely by three elements that build their Church greatly:

1. Holy Spirit
2. Prayer and The Word - both are united elements/unable to be separated
3. Witnessing

However from these three - Holy Spirit is the most significant and important factor that creates the differences. But nevertheless, the early chuch do their part in witnessing and living up a prayer life and studying the Word of God.

They do not rely in other human method, and theory but completely believe that God leads them and they grow in great numbers.

Keyword: Church Growth

Develop a New Walk With God

To practice these elements in life through the Guidance of Holy Spirit


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Location:Serangoon North Avenue 2,Singapore,Singapore

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Faithful God

Select The Text:

Hosea 1:10

Watch The Context:

This passage is part of the conclusive part of Hosea's message to the Israelites through his children

Observe The Word:

Children of living God

Reflect The Message:
Often i do not live the way God expect me to be and God does treat me with tough love. But God's action is always redemptive and uplifting.

Keyword: God's love,redemptive act

Develop a new walk in Grace:

Does my action over other is redmptive as well?


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Location:Sin Ming Ave,,Singapore

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Way Of Salvation

Select The Message:

Acts 1:38

Watch The Context:
The listener to Peter's sermon was asking them "what should we do then"

Observe The Word:
Repent - the same message preached by John The Baptist, and Jesus in the Gospel - God doesnt change His message

Reflect The Message:

Repent in greek means turning to the opposite direction. That imply a decisive action for change. The process led us to see God as the direction of life. Do i have made that decision?

Keyword: Repentance

Develop A New Walk with God

I want to see you God

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Location:Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1,Singapore,Singapore

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Standing On The Promises

Search and Select The Message

Acts 1:16

Watch the Context:

The verse is part of the statement given by Peter after they finished their prayer together

Observe The Word

Scripture had to be fulfilled - the expression of confidence in the Bible (which in their time is the OT)

Reflect The Message:

The Scripture is an integral part of the early church other than prayer. The disciple of Jesus, do not neglect the element of studying the Bible together with confidence of the fulfillment of the message inside the Bible. Peter's expression was a direct reference to the Bible.

The question for me, how much time do i really spend my time with a word of God? do i really claim that the scripture will fulfil its message without fail? Both for the personal message and prophetic message?

Keyword: Bible, promise

Develop A New Walk With Grace

To learn and spend more time with the Bible

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Location:Sin Ming Ave,,Singapore

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Purpose of Life

Search and Select The Passage:

I continue to read Songs of Songs but on the same time my burden for my church leads me to also read Acts of Apostle, and learn what New Testament Church actually like. So for now, there will be time when the focus of the devotion is jumping here and there.

Acts 1:4-8

Watch The Context

This is the statement of Jesus answering the question of His disciple before he was taken up to heaven.

The disciple now convinced that Jesus is indeed a redeemer for the nation and He has promised them the power through the Holy Spirit to proclaim The Kingdom of Heaven

Observe the word:

Both statements of Jesus (verse 4,5) and (verse 7,8) Were expressed in very similar pattern. Jesus will start the pattern with statement of Authority of The Father as the owner and the decision maker of all things - then followed by the work of the Holy Spirit in them, and through them. At the center of both verses, is the question of the disciples (verse 6) that conclude the whole point altogether - the restoration plan of the world. God's plan is focused on restoration - returning the world to its original condition before sin. However the question was addressed in "you" and pointing to Jesus as the centre of this restoration.

Reflect the Message:
1. The disciple really knows the purpose of their life. To be part of God's plan for the restoration - but the centre of that restoration is not themselves or evn the world but Christ. Jesus become the centre of redemption.

2. The disciple know this for they know the Savior - Jesus

3. Despite this, the only way they can proclaim the message is when the Holy Spirit is with them - Holy Spirit works is to lead people to Christ

4. When my life is led by the Spirit - its only lead me to Christ and acknowledge my nothingness and Jesus complete work of redemption in me.

Keyword: Holy Spirit

Develop a new walk in Grace

To ask the Holy Spirit to work in me, daily

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Uninteresting Activity

Search and Select The Passage

This morning i am interested with the text on Acts. Not that Songs of Song is no more interesting but i was inspired to read the first chapter of the book of Acts so this is the text of today

Acts 1:14

Watch The Context

The Disciples of Jesus just returned to Jerusalem after witnessing Jesus was lifted to Heaven

Observe The Word

One Mind - unity in purpose and passion

Prayer and Supplication - real time prayer

Reflect The Message

The early church do not depends so much in finding a new method of witnessing or making a church. They were not so much interested in the status that they have to gain, or building that they have to obtain, and so on and so forth. Their mind was focused on one thing and that is the coming of Holy Spirit. However, their gathering was filled with prayer.

Prayer is indeed opening the gate of Heaven to us.

The question i have to ask myself is, how serious am i with prayer?

Keyword: prayer, early church

Develop A New Walk In Grace

Project: Daniel's Project

To pray like Daniel - (at least) 3 times a day for this whole week

Prayer: LORD, help me to pray

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Perfect Bride

Search and Select The Passage

Songs of Solomon 5 : 1-7

Watch The Context

The Song was sung in the wedding night of the couple describing the beauty of the bride in "anatomically" detailed description.

Observe the Word

Eyes - doves - beauty, purity, sincerity

Hair - mountain goat - smooth and silky

Teeth - Sheep - white and complete

Lips - Scarlet thread - red, appealing

Mouth - lovely

Forehead - Slice of Pomegranate- smooth, and shining

Neck - tower of David - strong, and straight

Breast - leaping gazelles - repeated frequently throughout the whole book - ultimate beauty

Conclusion - verse 7 - perfect

Reflect the Message:

Christ bride is a perfect bride: Christ sees his bride as a perfect unblemish bride, despite the fact that His bride is us, sinful, inperfect bride. He sees us in this way because Christ sees us in the eyes of grace.

I have to see my wife in this eyes of grace the way God sees me.

Keyword: perfection, praise, love

Develop the New Walk in Grace:

To see everyone through the eyes of Grace

Prayer: Lord, thank you for seeing me from the eyes of Grace. To see me with love and accept me with the same love. Help me to be able to do it to those around me.

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Search and Select The Passage

Songs of Solomon 3:4

Watch The context

The bride is searching for The Groom all over the town Until the watchmen asked her. Watchmen is the guard of the outskirt wall of the city. Indicates the distance of her search

Her mother's bedroom: another euphimism of reproductive activity, but also indicates the cycle of that activity. From her mother womb to her own

Observe The Word

Hold to him tightly and do not let him go - in need and in love

The Hebrew word for hold in this context came from the expression that can be translated as "strong grip"

Reflect the Message:

When we finally found the love of our life, it is like the greatest treasure we can ever discover. In this text, the bride discover it after she had encounter the watchmen. When we met Christ in our life how do we perceive that dicovery? The Gospel describe that "the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried on the field and when someone discover it he sold all his possesion and buy the land" How precious is Jesus for you?

In relational level just like the text describe (husband and wife) how do i see my spouse? Really as precious as the bride sees him or i look at her/him just as another option for happiness?

Keyword: Love to Jesus, love to spouse

Develop the walk in Grace

Project: to love Jesus and do not let Him go

To love my wife just as well


There is no way that i can be able to love Jesus in this manner unless i surrender all other things that distract me from living a live for Him. help me o LORD

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are His

Search and Select the Passage

Song of Solomon 2:16

Watch The Context

The bride talks about catching foxes and present it to her, and the verse following the verse discuss the bride tried to call him back.

Observe the word

My lover is mine and i am his: reciprocal relationship, supporting one another

Reflect The Message:

1. Jesus looks at His bride (the church) in the same manner. That we are His, we are considered precious, and like the gazelle grazing on the lilies, we are at peace with Him.

2. My relationship with my wife, should be in this manner as well. We are in contact with one another in the strenght and connection that reciprocating one another.

Keyword: love, marriage, relationship

Develop the Spiritual Walk with God

Project: to allow God provide His grace toward me

Prayer: (Casting Crowns) Who Am I?

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Into The Chamber

Search and Select the Passage

Songs of Solomon 2:4

Watch The Context

The verse in the continuation of the bride's song about her man. However, the picture of the story now move to indoor acitivity, signifying intimacy and privacy. The stage movedfrom fields full of flowers and trees to a special room.

Banquet Hall: the special chamber of King Solomon. This room is dedicated for only selected people. Some scholar suggest that this expression might be actually reffering to his own bedroom or a special chamber to enjoy drinking wine. This suggestion is suppoted by internal evidence on the text regarding what kind of activity that happens in the room (verse 5) Which is highly sexual in its Hebrew expression.

Observe the Word:

"He looked at me lovingly" (NET): this whole sentence is indeed a very expressive statement by the writer. Reason given, the literal translation of this sentence is actually can be translated as: his banner was around me. This is an euphimistic expression of an intense sexual desire over a person. However as we see the context of the whole verse its all been done in a very intimate way. The fully attachment of the bride and groom over each other.

Reflect the message to my personal experience:

This is when devotional time might lead you to spiritual lesson that is not the typical one. But that is the beauty of the scripture and that is the reason why i even more in love with the Bible. Its a fresh bread on my spiritual journey.

So lets go to the obvious one first: Sex is not something that is considered dirty in the Bible. Sex is always an integral part of human relationship and embraced naturally. However, its always remain sacred as well. It is The unity of two human being in a very deep and intimate way physically,emotionally, and spiritually.

Satan knows the power of sexuality and working hard to twist and confuse us regarding sex. At first, he makes it looks dirty and evil that it is become a taboo and sinful to discuss about it. I have watched a documentaries of the history of Pornography. Part of the emergence of Pornography was because the fact that the Church once banned and consider sex an evil act of intimacy. By suppresing the natural-God given desire of human being, many people went into the backdoor and pornography become a commodity of trade. The problem with that, when something is hidden, yet all know about it the power and influence its bring was so intense.

However, in this last day it is quite the opposite. Something that was so covered up now become overindulged and it has lost its sacredness. Sex has become a routine in all aspect of human experience. It is not hard to see bikini clad, or scantily clad advertisement on the magazine, newspaper, and other media. The commercial market knows that sex does sell and so does other media such as music and movie indusrty. As the result we are bombarded with sexual images and messages 24/7

The verse in this book songs of solomon brought us into a different perspective of it. Sex is not as "cheap" as how the world perceive sex today, but on the same time openly show itself as one of the strongest natural expression of love. Sex is intense, intimate, and sacred. Just the way God's love expressed to us its intense, yet intimate and sacred.

Keyword: sex, love, intimacy

Develop a new walk in Grace:

To embrace God's intense love and accept it

To love my spouse and view our sexual relationship based on how the bible teach us rather than the way the world show it.

Thank you LORD for creating a way of expressing love through a relationship called sex. Satan wants to destroy the true meaning of it, for he knows the effect it brings. Help me to set my eyes on you to be able to be led by the Spirit

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Under The Tree

Search and Select The Passage

Continuation of yesterday

Songs of Solomon 2:3

Watch The Context

The verse is still part of the bride songs for her man

Apple tree is generally reffered to not only apple tree but to trees such as pomegranate,citronella, and apple. These trees are the common tree that grow in the Palestine region.

Observe The Word

Delight - an expression of happiness and joy, calmness and peace

Fruit - the tree does not only providing shade but fruit to enjoy

Reflect The Message to Personal Experience

Do i find delight in the presence of God? In the shadow of His power? Do i enjoy the beauty of His providence that is abound? Often time i neglect the word delight. That word has no meaning for me for i dont spend enough time with Him. God is provifing a shade as the symbol of comfort and protection

The same way applied to how should i be for my wife. Can she rest under the shadow of me? Does she feel delighted and i am delighted with her?

Keyword:delight, presence of God, protection

Develop a walk in Grace:
Project: i will spend time in my prayer finding the delight in comminicating with God

I will try to be the shade for my wife in her life

Prayer: LORD, let me be under the shadow of your love

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beauty Among The Thorn

Search and Select The Text

Songs of Solomon 2:1

Watch The Context:

She dscribe herself as something low, while describing her husband as something tall such as apple tree (verse 3)

The husband responded to her by expressing her uniqueness despite her "lowliness" (verse 2)

Observe The Word

Most translation describe quite similar expression, NLT gives extra reference for the description of rose along with NET

Sharon: A steep valley between Mount Tabor and Lake Tiberias - indicating the expression of lowliness compare to the height of the man

Rose - apparently the hebrew word do not refer the flower into roses but rather to another flower only known as meadow-saffron. The expression of the word here is rather a contrast - "rose and lily" indicating the "redness yet white" person. Lowly yet loved. She wants to show her bride, that she might be lowly, but significant - as later responded by her man (verse 2)

Reflect the Message in Personal Experience:

The woman in the verse reflected as a humble person yet she doesnt have a low self esteem. She sees herself as a beauty in her own way. She is "significant" and loved by her husband. I often feel, that i have to be super extraordinary person and then God will love me. And i too often wants to be unique so i can be loved by people around me. But this verse reminds me quite the contrary. The rose of sharon basically hidden, and the lily is living among the thorn (verse 2) yet It is visible and precious in the eyes of the groom. If i relate this with Christ and His Bride, it shows the love that Christ have for its Church. - the love that can see goodness in the most plain place (like Sharon valley) and among thorns.

Keyword: love, acceptance, self esteem

Develop A New Walk in Grace

1. I have to value myself according to how God value me, rather than trying to value myself according to how the world value one another

2. I have to see my spouse in the eyes of love the way God sees me too


Search me o God, and help me to see, for too often i value myself according to the way world value one another. Even though i am loved and seen by you as a precious roses and a beautiful lilies.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Love Of Choice

Search and Select The Word

Songs of Solomon 1:15

Watch The Context

Solomon Praises his bride, even though her claim she is "dark"

Twice in the whole chapter Solomon praises her with the expression of describing the beauty of his time - Pharaoh Chariot and Jewel

Solomon's reply consist of the shortest part in this passage - his word is small but means a lot

Obseve The Word

How beautiful - repeated twice, indicating emphasis

Your eyes is like doves - methaphorical expression of beauty, attraction

Reflect the Message:

Christ and the Church - Jesus looked at His bride on the same manner, a delight. She might be dark as well, result of the harsh treatment she received. But she is considered beauty in Christ's eyes simply because He loves her

My personal experience - how do i see my spouse? Do ilook at her with delight? Have i ever tell her how beautiful and lovely she is? Just like what Solomon did?

Keyword: Love, Acceptance, Praise, Marriage

Develop A Walk

Thank You LORD for loving me the way i am. Help me to accept your love

Project: To admire my spouse the way Solomon did.


God, help me to love you for you have loved me. And help me to love people around me even more for you have loved us more.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Shield of God

Search and Select the Passage:
Psalm 3:3

Watch the Context:
The Writer was threatened by his enemies but yet the Lord keeps Him

Obseve The Word:
God is both described as shield and lift the head high

Reflect The Text:
Despite threat from enemies, God will protect and honor His people. Reading from its first context, David the king was threatened by his own son. However,in spite of this danger, God still shown to be David's refuge and shield.

Develop a new walk in Grace:
Threat and enemies a everywhere, but God has given us His assurance of grace and protection to His subject and they are guarded and protected by God alone.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Enemy of the State

Search and Select The Text
Psalm 3:1,2

Watch the Context:
The psalmist was expressing his feeling of sadness and distress over the enemy of him.

Taking the introduction of the text, this story is about david and his son Absalom (immediate enemy/family)

Observe the word:
How many - plural

Reflect the message:
Even David (man of God own heart) does have an enemy. Even worse its his own son. We cannot avoid people from going against us. Too many times we want to be a people pleaser. We tries to please everybody and avoiding creating enemy at all cost. However, the truth of the matter is, we will neber be able to please evybody. In the story of David, it was his own ambitious son who went against him. David clearly called him as enemy. The word "tsar" in Hebrew exprss the meaning of enemy in David's context. Ironically too, the meaning of Absalom's name is "father of peace" yet he went to war against his own father. Enemies will do exist in our life experience no matter what. The lesson from Davisd that we should take, is how we deal with it and yet not losing our sight with God like what David did.

Develop a new way of life in Grace:
I cannot be a people pleaser for it is not Biblical. On the same time, dont Look for enemies. But conflict is natural part of sinful human life. As long as we cling on God that is the only thing that matter.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Am the Son of God

Search and Select The Text
Psalm 2: 7-9

Watch The Context:
The immediate text discuss about the installment of the person into the annointed one, and the warning against those who oppose God

Observe The Word:
This very day i have become your father

Reflect The Messsage:
I have been chosen as the son of the LORD, He has estsblish me to His own. What a wonderful experience it is. I have the right and privilege of that position, and the best of all it happens because of His love, not me

Develop a new life in grace:
Help me LORD to be a good and loving son :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Installed King

Search and Select the Verse:
Psalm 2: 5-6

Watch the Context:
God was laughing at the wicked

The King response by declaring God his father

Observe The Word:
I myself have INSTALLED - God's direct intervention and action towards His subject

Reflect the Message:
God express His emotion once again at this passage. He is not only angry, but moved in rage towards things that happen. However, the important work here is the expression of His installment. His direct intervention and action towards His king. He choose, and He decided.

Develop a new walk in Faith:
That the concern is not so much of the what will happen to me regrading the position in life. If i am right in God's eyes then i dont have to bother about where and when i have to be placed but to know He will install me according to His wisdom.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

When Heaven Laugh

Search and Select the Verse:
Psalm 2:4

Watch the Context:
The first three verses talk about the conspiracy made by evil people against God chosen one

Observe The Word:
Laugh: The expression of amusement over something

Reflect The Message:
1.God does xpress His emotiion
2. More important than that, He knows the thought and plan of the evil and a good one too.
3.He laugh at those who plan the evil one

Develop a new walk in grace:
Lord guide my plan so it wont be the one that is evil on your eyes. Lead me Holy Spirit so i may learn and understand your will.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Why Is More Important Than The How

After working for this DIVER, and SWORD for almost a year now i start to realize the importance of dsily devotion for Christian spiritual life. The essence of spending time with God and His word is not so much about the method, but the reason. Paslm 1 gave me that importance furthermore with the understanding of "tree that is planted by the water" for it is a continual flow that made it possible. Its the essence of flow, and presence of God in devotion that will make the tree grows.
Whatever method we use to make it happen, unless we understand the rason behind it then it wont be a devotion, but rather just a religious activity. The spiritual essence of it is carried away by the routine of it, and the nature of human task fulfilling mentality.
Deep spiritual understanding will come when we know what we do is because why we do.

Psalm 1:3-5

Search and Select The Passage
Psalm 1:3-5

Watch The Context
The writer of the Psalm wants to compare the life and walk of believers and sinners

Observe The Word:
"the LORD wathces" - the importance of presence.God's presence is the main differences between righteous and "sinner" (please take note that i am using the term sinner in the context of the Psalm and not as stereotyping any particular people)

Reflect on the Message:
The LORD watches the path of the righteous: the expression that is placed here is a wonderful assurance for me in the wy i live day by day. It gives me that hope of God's presence that is ACTIVELY there through my life. It means, i am important. Not so much because of who i am, but because of who He is as a God.

Develop a new pat of Grace
LORD, help me to walk in your path of righteousness, walk and lead my way. For i have put my trust in you.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Psalm 1:3

Search and Select the Word
Psalm 1:3

Watch the Context
David was talking about the beauty of thise who finds delight in obeying and meditating the word

Observe the word:
An expression of tree planted by the water - the continual love and fulfilment of God's providence.

Reflect into the Word:
Have i sreally spent the time in my life fully immersed in the continual love and providence of God in His law and words?

Develop a new walk in Grace:
The beauty of relationship with God lkes on the beauty of obedience and meditation of His word

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Psalm 1:1

Search and Select the passage
Pasalm 1:1
Watch the context:
This verse is part of David's songs as reminder that our true refuge is God alone
Observe the Word:
Walk, stand, sit - the whole process of man in old testament time. Means the person full conscience is not driven by wickedness and sin
Reflect the message:
How do i walk with the wicked - in following their path? What is their path? If Jesus say that it is the wide path, that means all the desire of the world: fame, fortune, possesion, and self. Have my life been focused on all this path that leads to condemnation?
How do i stand with the sinners? - through my alegiance? Through my personal way of living?
How do i sit the mockers? Thru the word that comes out from my mouth?
Develop A New Walk in Grace:
Guard my Path O LORD, Keep my stand, wacth my mouth so i may not sin against You.

The Lesson from David's Psalm

I have spent the last 2 weeks of my devotional time looking at psalm and try to grab the meat of this great "hymn" compilation in which most songs and poems are colected. The first 6 chapter of it had brought me to understand the honesty, yet real spirituality of the person who write the songs. Interesting enough, Jesus quote the book of Psalm more than any other book in the Bible. That means not only Jesus "like" the book of Psalm He also spend His time on each songs known to his generation. As we going to explore the book furthermore, let us conwider the beauty of it through our personal experience of our own

Thursday, April 21, 2011

SWORD Moving to a new Stage

This is another week i come to approach to SWORD in another way.

Rather than picking up a Verse, i try to read the Whole Chapter/Passage as a complete story. These are the things that i find and learn:

1.Context is indeed extremely important. One verse might can tell you something, but it is the context that put "truth" in the whole message. God's truth is constructed in a way that in not placed in one piece of message, but rather pieces of puzzle that need to be arranged with each other.

2. I read the book of Psalm, Bible is an emotionally real book. They are honest with who they are, and that it makes them real with God. Often time our approach to Bible is very rigid, in what i call as "thinking theology". Truth become an "idea" not a life that we lived driven by feeling and principle. Too bad

This is the things i learned from this week experience. Next week, i will start to try to do SWORD for the first 4 Songs of Psalm


Monday, April 11, 2011

The Importance of Repetition

If you notice this previous few days there is no new devotional that has been developed. It is because of certain things that happened in the process of developing this SWORD method.

However, i found an interesting point. That devotional, Doesn't always means new things everyday. Sometimes a lesson from the bible can be meditated for the whole week for the impact can been engraved in our mind.

That is what happened this week. I focused on Psalm 1 and by this week, it was deeply engraved in me that i felt refreshed just to meditate on that songs again and again. The delight is clear, that blessing come from obeying the commandment, and meditate the word day and night and that is the point that i have left on the daily SWORD journal. The continual part of meditation.

Well, this is a new light and hopefully God will continue to help me in finding this new walk in SWORD.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meditate Upon The Word

Psalm 1:2
Strenght lies from obedience and meditating upon His word. In the comtext of Pslam 1:2 it gives us strenght to grow, and lead us to righteousness. This is a humbling leson for me in learning. and understanding God. The question that i really asked myself is, do i really have spend enough time for prayer and meditation? Have i heard His voice and listen to His calling? His guidance?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Beauty of Soul Searching

Psalm 139:23-24

David is well known for his honesty with God and others. Now, when the bible talk about honesty of David, it's not so much in ethical form but rather as his real expression of what inside him with God. Now in the situation of apsalm 139, David was surrounded with enemies. Yet,his prayer was real that God Ned to search him first in order for Him to work in David's life.

This is the great question that often make me ponder, do I ever asked God to really search me inside? As far as I think not yet. I never asked to reveal my true feeling, and ask Him to help me integrate my feeling to something in can cognize. David was different, he clealy ask God to reveal his anxious feeling and ask God to help him grow from there.

Today I was reminded again, that unless I really honest with God just like what David did, then probably I am still playing God. Unless, I am completely willing to allow him to do the scanning on me, then I will not be true to what He has plan me to be.

Application Process for Sword

Starting today, I will try to construc SWORD in devotional mode, for the integration of all the part into devotional reading. It will me to see whether the devotion is too technical or too rigid. I am glad that I can find the way to practice this SWORD in this platform.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Joshua 1:9

Search and Select the Passage
Joshua 1:9

Watch the Context
Joshua was given the command from God to continue what Moses had done so far with the Israelites, to lead them to the promise land

Observe the Word
Strong - Sign of ability to do things, but the strength here was from God

Courage - Ability to overcome fear

Reflect the Message:
Challenge will always exist in every part of life, God's calling is not for smooth road but rather strength and courage in the time of challenge

Develop The Message:

Simple, Be strong and Be Courageous like what the Text Says =)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2 Chronicles 7.14

Search. And select the passage

2 Chronicles 7:14

Watch the context

The story is part of God's answer to Solomon and his prayer. God gave the assurance to Solomon tha He is a faithful God who are able to provide all the things that Solomon needed according to His will

Observe the word:

If my people - condition in which human has the opportunity to make a decision

Humble themselves - withouth acknowledging God as their true God and saviour, then it is almost impossible to accept God

Reflect the message

Have ibeen humble enough to God and ask for His guidance? Have I called His name and pray? Have I turned from my wicked way and surrender my life to the power of God?

Develop the new walk with God:


I should humble myself and ask God for His guidance

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exodus 15:2

Search and Select the Word:
Exodus 15:2

Watch the Context:
The verse is part of Moses and Miriam's Song after the Red Sea Miracle

Observe the Word:
Strength,Defense,Salvation - Offensive, Defensive, Redemptive

Reflect the Message:
1. God will give us strength to do
2. God will defend us to hide
3. God will save us when we fall

Develop the Message:

I have to surrender, to the LORD and God in all situation of my life. Taking His word as a promise and live in faith in Him.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1 Chronicles 16:34

Search and Select the text
1 Chronicles 16:34

Watch the context
The passage is part of Asaph's song in his part of worship as the ark was brought back to Jerusalem

Observe the word:
Give thanks - feeling of happiness and thanksgiving

Reflect the message:
Giving thanks is acknowledge him as a great God and a wonderful savior it is admitting the fact that He does something for me. The word everlasting give that sense of assurance that His love will not last just for today but with us through times and times.

Develop a new walk with God:
Keyword: Thanksgiving
Give thanks to the LORD for the goodness that He has provided to us

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Psalm 9:9

Search and Select the Verse

Psalm 9:9

Watch the Context

It is part of Songs called The Death Son

Observe the Word:

Refuge, and Stronghold for the Oppressed

Reflect the Message:
God is indeed the stronghold and protector for those who are in trouble. We can find refuge on Him and in Him

Develop a new walk in Faith:
Keyword: REFUGE

God is my refuge, a place where i can find my rescue and help, in all time and situation. Lead me LORD to hide on you and allow me to find a place to lay my burden.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Psalm 130:5

Search and Select Verse of the Day:

Psalm 130:5

Watch the Context:

The Prayer leads to two major item: Forgiveness and Hope in the LORD

Observe the Word:

Wait and In your Word

This is my personal struggle. To wait. I am a very impatient person and the word wait seems to be something that does not come naturally. However, our God is a God who often ask people to wait. Waiting is a great theme of the Bible. Abraham has to wait for the son, Moses has to wait for 40 years in training, David has to wait for another 12 years, Elijah has to wait for 7 prayer, waiting is indeed how God works. - Therefore, i have to practice the element of Patience

Develop a new walk with God:
Practice the power of Patience in God


Sunday, March 27, 2011

1 Timothy 1:5 - The Aim of the True Gospel

Select the Verse:
1 Timothy 1:5

Watch the Context:
Paul is talking about the meaning of the true teaching of the Gospel

Observe the Word:
Aim of Instruction - The Goal for our life

Pure Love comes from the Heart

Good Conscience

Sincere Faith

Reflect the Message:
What is the aim of my ministry? What is the aim of what i am doing in my life? What is the goal?

Develop a New Walk with God:

Lord, Help me to develop these three things, and to help others develop and making it the aim of our ministry.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Isaiah 64:8

Search and Select the Verse
Isaiah 64:8

Watch the Context:
The verse is part of plea of the Writer for God to give His mercy once again to the Israelite.

Observe the Word:
Our Father - Personal Connection

Work of your hand - second personal connection

Reflect the Message:
We are created, molded, shaped, like what God wants us to be. We are His creation, and therefore all things will be under His control. We are just a creation, yet He consider us as His children. Such a great privilege for being His

Develop a new walk with God:
Keyword: SHAPED

We are shaped by God, and therefore it is my prayer that i can allow myself to be SHAPED and molded according to His will


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31

Select the Verse
Isaiah 40:31

Watch the Context:
God gives comfort to His people during the time of trouble and challenge

Observe the Word:
Hope/Wait - Put our trust in the awesome God

Renew -Refreshed and renewed

Not weary and Tired - The strength comes from God

Reflect and Relate on the Message:

There are times when we grow tired, loose our hope and it seems life is not working the way we expect it to happen. However, it is the promise of the LORD that when we put our hope in Him shall not weary. We need to claim what He has given us, the strength and power to wait upon Him and let Him be the one who lead us to His will

Develop a New Walk With God
Keyword: HOPE

Lord, help me to put my hope in you and know that you are God

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2 Corinthians 8:11

Search and Select the Scripture

2 Corinthians 8:11

Watch the Context:

The Context talk about the collection of Offering from the Church of Corinth to help poor people in another place

Observe the Word

Eager Willingness - self motivated

Reflect the Message of the Text

When we have given our willingness for the service of the LORD, He wants us to finish it. In the context of Paul's letter, The church of Corinth wants to help in donating money for the LORD. Often time, we can easily promise/say a lot of things about ministry. But until we prove what we have said is true then it is a true ministry

Develop a new walk in Faith

Keyword: Faithfulness, Completion

By God's grace, i pray that i can be faithful in finishing the work that i have given my word to finish.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Proverbs 13:4

Search and Select the Text

Proverbs 13:4

Watch the Context of the Text

Like most proverbs, this proverbs is an independent saying Solomon

Observe the Word

Sluggard vs Diligent: Contrast

Reflect the Message

God does bless those who are diligent and faithful to the work that has been given to them

Develop a new walk with God

Keyword: Diligent

Be DILIGENT, a simple wisdom from the Bible that carries a lot of meaning


Monday, March 21, 2011

Psalm 143:8

Select and Search the Scripture

Psalm 143:8

Watch the Context:
This is one of David's Song where he is asking God to vindicate and protect him from his enemies

Observe the Word:
Unfailing: Never end, and not disappointing

Reflect on the Message:
God is the source of an unfailing love. He is the only one who can guide us, and provide us with assurance of tomorrow.

Develop a new walk in Christian Faith:

I need to TRUST in the Lord and WALK in Faith despite all the evil and my enemies surround me. He is my source of refuge and strength.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

John 15:7

Search, and Select the Verse

John 15:7

Watch the Context

Jesus is talking about living in Him and what does it mean to remain in him

Observe the Word

Remain - Dwell, staying without being moved

Reflect the Message

If i remain IN Christ, and i put His word in my mind. His will will matched with my will and things that i asked will be according to His will and work together for the Glory of GOD.

Develop a New Walk with God


Invite God to dwell in our heart

Allow God to work in you in his will

Believe that God will fulfill your request, when you dwell in Him


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Roman 4:20

Select the Text
Roman 4:20

Watch the Context
Paul was describing the Faith of Abraham and how he stands for God i all things

Observe the Word
Not Waver - Not shaken
In His Faith - Fully commitment to the belief he has
Glorifying God - Contrast

Reflect into the Message
Abraham's faith was fully rooted in the belief that God do not change His promise. For He has shown Himself as a faithful God. It is in our part that we can put our trust and faith in Him as well.

Develop a New Spiritual Walk with God

Lord, i want to walk in FAITH with You, despite the discouraging circumstances surround me. Yet your power is there to be with me.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SWORD for Deuteronomy 17:19

Select the Verse of Today:
Deuteronomy 17:19

Watch the Context:
The verse in part of God's Instruction regarding the Criteria for the Future King of Israel

Observe the Word:
Read - A process of knowing, information gathering
Follow Carefully - Obedience

Reflect the Lesson Taken:
Have i take a special consideration of meditating in the word of God? Have my busy life have taken me from spending enough time with the Word? Have i set aside the love of the word and replace it with my personal entertainment such as Facebook. Youtube, and Games? For if i do, probably i actually did not revere God and revere my personal idol - Disobedience of 10 Commandments.

Develop a new commitment to Lesson:
By your Grace today let me be:

OBEDIENCE to giving my time reflecting and meditating upon the word of God


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hebrew 10:24-25

S - Select the Bible Text of Today

Hebrew 10:24-25

W - Watch the Context of the Text

Paul reminded the Church upon their duties, including supporting one another and meet one another.

O - Observe the Important Word

Spur - Assertive, yet fulfilling

Encourage - To give and affirm with good word for other to move on

R - Reflect the Message for your Personal Growth

The Message tell me That:

1. I have a role in Church by spurring one another to do the good and loving thing

2. I have a role of encouraging one another through meeting

D - Develop a walk in My Spiritual Life

By God's Grace i pray that God will help me to:

1. HAVE the courage to spur

Prayer Journal of Today (16 March 2011)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phillipians 4:13

S - Select the Verse of the Day

Philippians 4:13

W - Watch The Context of the Text

Paul is describing what is his ministry experience is all about, and where did he find his strength and courage

O - Observe the Significant Word

I can do - Personal conviction, especially related to Philippians 4:12 where he reminds the church of his life and struggle

R - Reflect the Message

In his particular verse that often misquoted, Paul's expression of strength is not that he can achieve anything but rather to be content even when things does not go the way he expect it. The source of strength and the result of strength in Paul's life is not by doing more and more but rather by finding peace, joy and comfort in limited situation and action. Often time especially in this modern world we are forced and deceived to understand the simple fact of life. We often driven to do more and more because our value seems to be judged by that view. That is the reason why many people dont find peace in God without having to DO something. Interesting to know that we didnt hear much from the life of Jesus' Disciple other than folllowing him and learning from the Master. I can do all things in this view must be seen as a way to see what God can do for us, rather than what we can do all the time. We are not the center but He is.

D - Develop the Verse into Something practical

ACCEPT God's empowerment in my limited resources.


Monday, March 7, 2011

John 17:3

S - Select the Text

John 17:3

W - Watch the Context

The verse is part of Jesus' Prayer for His disciple before His crucifixion. It consist of the summary of His ministry and the message of the Gospel.

O - Observe the Important Word

Eternal Life - That it goes beyond living endlessly. Eternal life is the restoration of God's Ideal upon humanity that was lost during the Fall. Eternity was take when Adam and Eve fall.

Know - Knowledge that is not driven by intellectual gain (brain exercise) but by constant relationship. It driven by internal factor rather than external need.

R - Reflect the Message

Do i know God? Do i know Jesus? - The question might sound very philosophical but the answer is not. What drives me actually to know Him? Is it because i need to have some kind of emotional support for things that i am insecure of? Or is it because i am really want to be with God that Created me? When my knowledge of God is driven because of opinion,doing the right thing,impression,how people look then that relationship is only based on external factor. That is not knowing that God wants to have with him. Rather, i know him because it is Life itself. Its the energy that drives all the event and actions of my life.

D - Develop a Spiritual Journey with Him

Lord, i want to know you for you are life itself. Outside of You, there is no life and purpose. Help me to not build my relationship with you because of external factor, or just because i want to fill in my emotional insecurities.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hebrews 10:24-25

S - Select the Verse of the Day

Hebrews 10:24-25

W - Watch the Context

The verse is part of Paul's message regarding living up the faith that has been given by God to us

O - Observe the Word

Spur - giving an encouraging comment

Meeting Together - Fellowship

R - Reflect the Message

It is God's desire for His people to be together in a fellowship of believers. By spur one another, and meeting together God's people will be encouraged and that is how a person actually practicing their faith. Faith can grow by nurturing each other through meeting and encouraging one another.

D - Develop the Message into Practical Lesson

By the grace of God i shall:

ENCOURAGE my fellow believers

MEET them in regular basis to strengthen each other spiritual life as well as emotional and social life too


Thursday, March 3, 2011

SWORD for Proverbs 3:5,6

S - Select the Verse

Proverbs 3:5-6

W - Watch the Context of the Text

Like many Solomon's Proverbs, this particular verse is part of his saying regarding the wisdom and path of searching for God

O - Observe the Word

Trust - come from the from the Hebrew word bytakh that literally means "leaning on support". The word often used to express false trust on items, or power but in this particular verse it was used for the opposite function - trusting the reliable source (God)

Heart - Heart is the full expression of the center of cognitive and affective part of us, in which means trusting the Lord took all that we have without any doubt.

Acknowledge - derived from the word yada that can be translated into - a full knowledge of God in which our trust and obedience lies.

Path Straight - the word actually means, smoothen or grinding. We can imagine a road that is filled with gravel and rough edges but then smoothen with the machine.

R - Reflect

When we trust the LORD and Acknowledge Him as the guide of our life, He will lead us and our walk of life even when its rough will be smooth for His assurance and guidance are with us. We need to fully comprehend Him even when life is very unpredictable. Allow Him to be God and experience His miracle in life the way we never thought.

D - Develop a New Way of Life

TRUST - I want to Trust God today, completely, knowing He is the true Guide of my life


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 John 1:9

S - Select the Scripture

1 John 1:9

W - Watch the Context:

John talks about the true practice of Christianity - to walk in the light, while acknowledging that our salvation does not lies on our own good work but rather a submission to the grace of God each and every day.

O - Observe the Word:

Confess - agreed to open, publicly announced

Purify - Cleansing process that must happen to make us pure and unblemished

R - Reflect on the Word:

What God need from His people is confession. Why confess? That in order for us to be able to receive grace, we have to acknowledge that we do need grace. Vulnerability must happen and available for the spirit of God to work in us. God is faithful and just, and willing to make us clean. It is the promise that we have to claim from the word today.

D - Develop the Word into Personal Conviction:

By the Grace of God today, i should:

ACCEPT the fact that i am a weak, fragile, human being prone to make mistake and fall short from the ideal of God. It is completely okay for me to expose my weaknesses and imperfection to God.

ALLOW God to work in me to create a new person to live.

BELIEVE that He is forgiving, and on the same time able to make me pure.


Monday, February 28, 2011

SWORD for John 15:5

S - Select the Verse/Passage to Study

John 15:5

W - Watch the context of the Text

John 15: 5 is part of Jesus Speech to his disciple before his crucifixion. Before the topic of branch and vine, Jesus talk about the role of the Holy Spirit, and after Jesus talk about the Persecution that His disciple will go through.

O - Observe the important Word

Remain - also can mean as Reside. Dwell in someone's place, or filling up the empty space in someone's heart.

Bear Fruit - Produce a result. Growth in Christ must produce something. A Renewal in way of life and spirit.

R - Reflect on the Message

A Person need to remain/reside in Jesus for the renewed life. However, Jesus need to fill the empty space of their life as well. We are living in the world where a lot of people live with the emotional emptiness. Many tries to fill that emptiness with temporary joy, and find its never satisfying. Only Christ in our heart can fill that emptiness.

The result of Christ in our heart is a change. The fruits we produce, never because of our effort but a continual work of Holy Spirit in our heart. The process of fruit produced in our heart is a long journey just like the real fruit in real life. It must go through many process before a tree can start to produce fruit. However, fruit is the significant sign of a healthy tree. Only when Jesus is remain in us than the fruit can ever be produced.

D - Develop a New Walk in Faith

By the Grace of God my prayer today will be to:

INVITE Jesus to enter my heart to reside and lead me in my path of Christian Walk

ALLOW Jesus to work in my life and help me develop and grow to become a transformed person in Him

ACCEPT that change can never happen on my own strength but through Him who has the power.

New Devotional Method Called SWORD

I am in a process on developing a new Devotional Acronym for the purpose of Singapore Youth Training Camp this coming June in Singapore. Now, despite the depth of DIVER, some who has used it says that DIVER will take a long time to get to the practical and devotional Lesson of the material.

I got part of SWORD from the FAST Program that i've been doing with some of the newly baptized member in our church and through the experience with them, i come with something that has emphasis on practical lesson without neglecting the important part of exegetical work of the text. However, i dont think one exegetical approach will ever cover the whole lesson of the Bible Completely. This method i use is just to help develop the habit, and the student grow and learn deeper about the Bible they may come with their own method or without any method at all.

Since this Acronym is still a "prototype", there will be change along the way.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

For Your Love

I am a big fan of the song of the 80's. One of the song that i really love is a song by Stevie Wonder, with the title "For Your Love" The lyrics of that song really touch my heart and express the greatest feeling of love between two lovers.

Jeremiah 31:3 express the same feeling of God towards His people. As we see at the context of the Passage, this particular chapter was written in the time when Israelites had turned their head away from God. As the result, they have to go through the exile and invaded by different foreign kingdom. Yet, God gave them the assurance that His love appeared from the past or far away (in more modern translation) for the people of His heart.

God's love was defined in the word 'ahaba olam' or everlasting love in NIV. The word 'ahaba' often referred to described the loving relationship between husband and wife. The love of Jacob over Rachel, was described with 'ahaba' and that is the reason why he endures the bond he has to go to redeem her from Jacob's father in law. The same expression can be found in the book of Songs of Solomon where Solomon describe the feeling of 'ahaba' over his bride.

However, when the word constructed with the additional word of 'olam' it brought the word meaning furthermore. 'Olam' is the word that describe the vast and unmeasurable distance or intensity. Yet God's love here, was described unmeasurable.

Reflecting on this verse, Stevie's song "For Your Love" suddenly rang on my head once again. God of the universe, wants to have the best relationship with us once again. In the context of Jeremiah, the Israelites had abandoned Him once, but He wants to rebuild that relationship once again. In our context, we might been in the place,time, action, or even attitude that against His desire for us but yet, He said i want to love you with the love that cannot be measured.

Those of us who are married, or in the serious relationship, this verse surely can be something that you can experience yourself. When you say i love you to your spouse or partner, that feeling of happiness when your partner is around, that explosive feeling when they hold your hand, or probably just that awkward emotion when they sit beside you. That is the feeling that God have for each one of His people. God is in love, 'ahaba' with His people. This is the reason why, often God is described as 'jealous' in other verses because the love that He has is indeed possessive, a love that require the other side to be faithful to the commitment that has been made but on the same time redemptive when the other side fall short from the standard and ideal of that relationship.

With this kind of love, isn't it hard not to feel joyful and grateful? That God of the universe, the creator of heaven and earth, the owner of every single cell of the organism, the Lord of all Planet and Galaxy, yet fell in love so deep with us? That despite His business of taking care of planet, yet He still takes His time to write a love note for us, sending a bouquet of flower at our table, and if He has a Facebook account, He is proud to write at His status as "In a Relationship" with us, and His Interest is "Human Being"

It is hard for me to comprehend this wonderful message of the Bible, yet grateful that He is indeed in love with me.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

DIVER for Jeremiah 31:3

D - Define the Context of the Text

1. Nature of the Text: Saying of the LORD

2. Observe the text surrounding the text: the verse is part of a speech in which God promise for a restoration of the people of Israel. (Vs.1-22)

I - Identify the Structure of the Text:

(statement) The LORD appeared to us in the past saying:
"I have Loved you with an Everlasting Love" (A)
"I have drawn you with loving kindness" (A')

The statement A and A' is considered as hendiadys, in which two expression led to the same ideas. It was confirmed in the hebrew text (BHS).

The noun "ahaba" in which the word "everlasting love" constructed first, before the verb "aheb" in which the emphasis was placed on the word ahaba itself.

V - Verify the important word:

Everlasting love: ahaba olam
Ahaba - noun

The Word Ahaba, is often used in the expression of love between husband and wife. The same word "ahaba" appeared in the story of Jacob and Rachel (Gen 29:20) to show the love that bloom between the two person, the same word ahaba appeared in the book of Songs of Solomon. At least 4 times (and more) the word ahaba is used to express the passion and love between Solomon and his lover. However, the word is not limited to the relationship of husband and wife. Jonathan and David loving relationship was described with the word "ahaba" as well even though it is not very common

Olam - noun

The word "olam" appeared 300 times in the Old Testament. This word used to describe the distance that are not measured. Most of the time, the word described the future with no end, vast and unmeasurable.

Draw: mashak

This word, in this particular verse described as "to extend", that in a distance God is reaching out into His subject. It was His action.

Loving Kindness: hesed

This word is not just a simple loving kindness in english expression. The Hebrew word itself often used in the term where covenant relationship exist. Means, its binding legally, morally, and completely both parties that went into the relationship. The word often used to describe God's love toward human, in particular the story of the patriarch and exodus. Where covenant theology is the main idea of how God relates to His people.

E - Explore the Cultural, Historical, and Archeological Background

The text was part of God's promise to the remnant of the northern Israelites after the the Assyrian conquered Israelites in 722 BC. Vs.5,6,9 is the internal evidence of this event

R - Read the Theological Message:

1. What is the message for the first hearer: that God loves them despite their rebellion and unfaithfulness

2. What is the message for the present hearer: God's love goes beyond who we are and what we can imagine.