Thursday, March 24, 2011

Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31

Select the Verse
Isaiah 40:31

Watch the Context:
God gives comfort to His people during the time of trouble and challenge

Observe the Word:
Hope/Wait - Put our trust in the awesome God

Renew -Refreshed and renewed

Not weary and Tired - The strength comes from God

Reflect and Relate on the Message:

There are times when we grow tired, loose our hope and it seems life is not working the way we expect it to happen. However, it is the promise of the LORD that when we put our hope in Him shall not weary. We need to claim what He has given us, the strength and power to wait upon Him and let Him be the one who lead us to His will

Develop a New Walk With God
Keyword: HOPE

Lord, help me to put my hope in you and know that you are God

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