Tuesday, March 1, 2011

1 John 1:9

S - Select the Scripture

1 John 1:9

W - Watch the Context:

John talks about the true practice of Christianity - to walk in the light, while acknowledging that our salvation does not lies on our own good work but rather a submission to the grace of God each and every day.

O - Observe the Word:

Confess - agreed to open, publicly announced

Purify - Cleansing process that must happen to make us pure and unblemished

R - Reflect on the Word:

What God need from His people is confession. Why confess? That in order for us to be able to receive grace, we have to acknowledge that we do need grace. Vulnerability must happen and available for the spirit of God to work in us. God is faithful and just, and willing to make us clean. It is the promise that we have to claim from the word today.

D - Develop the Word into Personal Conviction:

By the Grace of God today, i should:

ACCEPT the fact that i am a weak, fragile, human being prone to make mistake and fall short from the ideal of God. It is completely okay for me to expose my weaknesses and imperfection to God.

ALLOW God to work in me to create a new person to live.

BELIEVE that He is forgiving, and on the same time able to make me pure.


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