Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Phillipians 4:13

S - Select the Verse of the Day

Philippians 4:13

W - Watch The Context of the Text

Paul is describing what is his ministry experience is all about, and where did he find his strength and courage

O - Observe the Significant Word

I can do - Personal conviction, especially related to Philippians 4:12 where he reminds the church of his life and struggle

R - Reflect the Message

In his particular verse that often misquoted, Paul's expression of strength is not that he can achieve anything but rather to be content even when things does not go the way he expect it. The source of strength and the result of strength in Paul's life is not by doing more and more but rather by finding peace, joy and comfort in limited situation and action. Often time especially in this modern world we are forced and deceived to understand the simple fact of life. We often driven to do more and more because our value seems to be judged by that view. That is the reason why many people dont find peace in God without having to DO something. Interesting to know that we didnt hear much from the life of Jesus' Disciple other than folllowing him and learning from the Master. I can do all things in this view must be seen as a way to see what God can do for us, rather than what we can do all the time. We are not the center but He is.

D - Develop the Verse into Something practical

ACCEPT God's empowerment in my limited resources.


1 comment:

Hazel said...

Thank you Bayu. This was my devotional this morning. Right when I needed it. I have first period free, so I did not have to rush. Have a blessed day!